Sentimiento tan amplio y complejo que prácticamente es indefinible, podría ser considerado una de las fuerzas motoras que hacen girar este mundo y lo pueden transformar, aún sin tocar nada.
Y qué es el Amor? mejor aún qué ha sido el Amor? pues si bien en la actualidad podemos referirnos a este sentimiento para multiplicidad de temas, el Amor no siempre ha significado lo mismo.
La era de las cavernas mostraba por instinto de supervivencia, intensas atracciones entre sexos opuestos, basadas en los instintos más básicos del ser, con la única intención de sobrevivir como especie; pero seguramente la evolución del hombre junto con las adaptaciones del cerebro y la conciencia propia del ser, fue transformando los instintos hacia sentimientos que han ido tomando un concepto especial con el paso del tiempo.
"Todos dicen que el amor duele, pero es mentira. La soledad duele. El rechazo duele. Perder a alguien duele. La envidia duele. y todos confunden estas cosas con el amor, pero la realidad es que el amor la única cosa en este mundo que puede aliviar todo el dolor y hacer sentir bien de nuevo a una persona. El amor es la única cosa en este mundo que no duele ni lastima." Liam Neeson
Feel your heart beat, vibrate the skin and elevate the soul... deep sigh and bring the mind to a satisfaction state, where even the most conflictive situation are located in the background due to a big emotion that can not be in a only one person, that must be shared, because only then it is the Love.
So broad and complex feeling is virtually indefinable sense, it could be considered one of the driving forces that move this world and can transforme it, even without touching anything.
And what is love? better yet: what has been the Love? Although today we can refer to this feeling for multiple issues, Love has not always meant the same thing.
The cave age was showed by survival instinct, intense attaction between opposite sexes, on the most basic instincts of being, with the only intention to survive as a species; but surely the evolution of human with the brain adaptations and consience of being, was transformed into instincts feelings have been taking a special concept with the pass of time.
How often we have heard that anyone would have been born in another era, such as between the Golden Armor Knights, enchanted castels and fairy tales, seeking a romance tone to their lifes, but didn't ensure such medieval chivalry, neither true love. The princes and princesses, kings and queens, owned many things: extensive territories, jewlery, treasures, leathers, properties and many servants... but Love was a luxory that could not be given; their relations were based first of all on political, social and economic strategy, where feelings should be completely out of their history; without even mention every stories of betrayal, polygamy or disappearance convenience of a strong, powerful nation in constantly increase. While the medieval tradition kept running between their walls courteous love conquered among songs, poems and letters, far from the tales we heard during childhood.
Only a few hundred years ago, in ancient Greece, the Love did its naughtiness deploying the imagination wings of great writers, creating wonderful poems and epic adventure where Love is the protagonist and the characters in the plays only served to woo the audience, arousing the purest sense; and is that according to experts, nearly a million years that humans became aware of themselves also initiated a close relationship with something that goes beyond the material, began to consider the soul or spirit, as part of life it self, essentially to differeniate between good and evil, made him find in every act of kindness to himself and to others, an emotion so different, but so charming that has could never resist.
Back to the Christ era, the Jesus philosophy was based on love, until today those holly lands don't tribut to such thoughts, because even women are treated with the lowest possible value and feelings of love doesn't binds a marriage partner or that carry to procreation.
Love causes so intense reactions in the brain as any most potent drug, that's why love is confused with pleasure, especially the carnal pleasure, the brain provides the same satisfying reward that feeling emotions of falling in love, and pleasure have not to involve the love; because in the third millennium most societies in the world can boast the luxory to love whomever they want, whenever they want, without thereby compromising reproductive funtion, it is possible to classify so many ways to love, self love, unconditional love, romantic love, sexual love, platonic love, universal love and in general for everything that feel some attachment to this lifetime.
While the symbols that relate to love, every day increase, from small details of care and romance, to the most materials such as flowers, chocolate, plush figures and even the most expensive jewlery; while the senses are intensified so that it seems that the colors are now mor cute, music makes us dance and the air smells better, the artist in all of us comes out, reaching a level of consciousness extremely high...
Yes, love is hard to define, easy to feel and impossible to overcome; but nevertheless, we are addicted to this feeling and resort again and again to it, even knowing the risks.
"Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt." Liam Neeson