La combinación espumosa de café caliente, se popularizó tanto que era indispensable realizar la publicación de la receta, siendo Wilhelm Tissot en 1790 quien especifica el proceso de hervir el café, mezclarlo con crema, azúcar y especies, para volver a hervir, inmediatamente verter sobre claras y yemas de huevo también batidas...
Durante el siglo XX se crean las primeras máquinas que además de filtrar el café para obtener una delicada y concentrada bebida, también hierven la leche y la sirven a presión, produciendo una increíble espuma que le da ese toque especial al delicioso brebaje italiano.
Pero si lo que deseamos es disfrutar este manjar en tiempos de calor, tan sólo basta con agregar una intensa cantidad de hielo picado al café espresso y colocar crema batida sobre la mezcla, con la cantidad de azúcar y especias al gusto, deleitando al paladar.
¡Nunca es demasiado tarde, ni suficientemente temprano para un rico cafecito!
Talk about the coffee beverage, whether hot or cold, it's always an extremely broad topic, because it's one of the oldest, and hardly it go will be made obsolete drink, and each time set up a different and special way to enjoy it.
For now I only discuss Cappuccino Coffee Style, which originated in Italy, so choosing an Italian Cappuccino, is a delicious redundancy... Its name refers to the physical appearance of the Capuchin Monks who left notice his white face just behind the brown hood of their habits and that is beyond the dramatic contrast of an outer ring of espresso and a foamy center of white milk, it's known that delicious drink was born in 1683, just within the walls of a convent of Capuchin Monks Order, by Marco D'Aviano and was around the same time that Vienna City offers the first sale of the beverage, without using at time the "Cappuccino" name or Kaputziner (like the first recipe).
The hot forth coffe combination became so popular that, then it was essential to make a publication of the recipe, in 1790 Wilhelm Tissot specifies the process of boiling the coffee, mixed with cream, sugar and spices to boil again, immediately pour over beaten eggs too...
Although for coffee lovers, the "Cappuccino" term in Italy was left to merely to indicate the exact combination of coffee, so it's they whom we owe this magnificent creation, without forgetting that the Germans decided to popularize recipe and spread around the world.
During the twentieth century was created the first machines to filter coffe to get a delicate and concentrated drink, and boil milk too producing an incredible foam that gives it special touch to the delicious Italian brew.
If we wish to enjoy this delicacy during hot weather, just enough to add an intense amount of crushed ice to the espresso and place whipped cream over the mixture, with the amount of sugar and spices to taste, delighting the palate.
It's never too late, not early enough for a delicious coffee!
Talk about the coffee beverage, whether hot or cold, it's always an extremely broad topic, because it's one of the oldest, and hardly it go will be made obsolete drink, and each time set up a different and special way to enjoy it.
For now I only discuss Cappuccino Coffee Style, which originated in Italy, so choosing an Italian Cappuccino, is a delicious redundancy... Its name refers to the physical appearance of the Capuchin Monks who left notice his white face just behind the brown hood of their habits and that is beyond the dramatic contrast of an outer ring of espresso and a foamy center of white milk, it's known that delicious drink was born in 1683, just within the walls of a convent of Capuchin Monks Order, by Marco D'Aviano and was around the same time that Vienna City offers the first sale of the beverage, without using at time the "Cappuccino" name or Kaputziner (like the first recipe).
The hot forth coffe combination became so popular that, then it was essential to make a publication of the recipe, in 1790 Wilhelm Tissot specifies the process of boiling the coffee, mixed with cream, sugar and spices to boil again, immediately pour over beaten eggs too...
Although for coffee lovers, the "Cappuccino" term in Italy was left to merely to indicate the exact combination of coffee, so it's they whom we owe this magnificent creation, without forgetting that the Germans decided to popularize recipe and spread around the world.
During the twentieth century was created the first machines to filter coffe to get a delicate and concentrated drink, and boil milk too producing an incredible foam that gives it special touch to the delicious Italian brew.
If we wish to enjoy this delicacy during hot weather, just enough to add an intense amount of crushed ice to the espresso and place whipped cream over the mixture, with the amount of sugar and spices to taste, delighting the palate.
It's never too late, not early enough for a delicious coffee!
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